Problem Statement and Motivation
Rampant dynamic spectrum allocation over time leads to the creation of narrow spectrum holes which can be aggregated to fulfill the bandwidth requirements of users. Even though this approach increases the throughput, it comes at the cost of degraded spectrum utilization due to a rise in the number of required guard bands. This project aims at how a transmitter- receiver pair can coordinate among themselves on choosing the correct frequency and bandwidth for actual data communication. The next objective is to optimize the spectrum usage of each transmission such that the nodes can dynamically adapt to the environment and enhance resource utilization.
- Dr. Shamik Sengupta (University of Nevada, Reno)
- Suman Bhunia (University of Nevada, Reno)
- Paulo Alexandre Regis (University of Nevada, Reno)
- [Vahid Behzadan] (University of Nevada, Reno)
The testbed is built with several USRP B210 software defined radio interfaces.

S Bhunia, and S Sengupta, “Implementation of Interface Agility for Duplex Dynamic Spectrum Access Radio Using USRP”, proc. of IEEE MILCOM 2017, Baltimore, Maryland.
S Bhunia, V Behzadan and S Sengupta, “Enhancement of Spectrum Utilization in Non-Contiguous DSA with Online Defragmentation”, proc. of IEEE MILCOM 2015, Tampa, Florida.