Journal Papers

  1. S. Bhunia, M. Blackert, H. Deal, A. DePero, and A. Patra, “Analyzing The 2021 Kaseya Ransomware Attack: Combined Spearphishing Through SonicWall SSLVPN Vulnerability,” IET Information Security, 2025. DOI:10.1049/ise2/1655307

  2. M Sagor, A Haroon, R Stoleru, S Bhunia, A Altaweel, M Chao, L Jin, M Maurice, R Blalock, “DistressNet-NG: A Resilient Data Storage and Sharing Framework for Mobile Edge Computing in Cyber-Physical Systems”, in ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems, 2024. DOI:10.1145/3639057.

  3. X Lai, H Jiang, S Bhunia,H Tran, “Reducing Latency in MEC Networks with Short-packet Communications” in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2023. DOI: 10.1109/TVT.2023.3320578.

  4. A Altaweel, R Stoleru, G Gu, AK Maity, S Bhunia, “On Detecting Route Hijacking Attack in Opportunistic Mobile Networks”, in IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2022, DOI: 10.1109/TDSC.2022.3186029.

  5. A Altaweel, C Yang, R Stoleru, S Bhunia, M Sagor, M Maurice, R Blalock, “RSock: A Resilient Routing Protocol for Mobile Fog/Edge Networks”, Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks, Volume 134, 2022, DOI:10.1016/j.adhoc.2022.102926.

  6. MR Khan, S Bhunia, M Yuksel, L Kane, “Line-of-Sight Discovery in 3D Using Highly Directional Transceivers”, in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 18, no. 12, pp. 2885-2898, 2019, DOI:10.1109/TMC.2018.2885061.

  7. S Bhunia, M R Khan, M Yuksel, S Sengupta, “In-Band LOS Discovery Using Highly Directional Transceivers”, Ad Hoc Networks, Volume 91, 2019, DOI:10.1016/j.adhoc.2019.101875.

  8. S Bhunia, E Miles, S Sengupta and F Vazquez-Abad, “CR-Honeynet: A Cognitive Radio Learning and Decoy Based Sustenance Mechanism to Avoid Intelligent Jammer”, in IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 567-581, 2018, DOI: 10.1109/TCCN.2018.2833549.

  9. S Bhunia, P A Regis and S Sengupta, “Distributed Adaptive Beam Nulling to Survive Against Jamming in 3D UAV Mesh Networks”, Elsevier Computer Networks, Volume 137, 2018, Pages 83-97. DOI:10.1016/j.comnet.2018.03.011

  10. S Mneimneh, S Bhunia, F Vazquez-Abad and S Sengupta, “A Game-Theoretic and Stochastic Survivability Mechanism against Induced Attacks in Cognitive Radio Networks”, Elsevier Pervasive and Mobile Computing, Volume 40, September 2017, Pages 577-592. DOI:10.1016/j.pmcj.2016.12.010.

  11. S Bhunia, V Behzadan, P A Regis and S Sengupta, “Adaptive Beam Nulling in Multihop Ad Hoc Networks Against a Jammer in Motion”, Elsevier Computer Networks, Volume 109, Part 1, 9 November 2016, Pages 50-66. DOI:10.1016/j.comnet.2016.06.030.

  12. S Bhunia, S Sengupta and F Vazquez-Abad, “Performance Analysis of CR-Honeynet to prevent Jamming Attack through Stochastic Modeling”, Elsevier Pervasive and Mobile Computing, Volume 21, August 2015, Pages 133–149. DOI:10.1016/j.pmcj.2015.04.004.

  13. T Chakraborty, A Mukhopadhyay, S Bhunia, I S Misra, S K Sanyal, “An Optimization Technique for Improved VoIP Performance over Wireless LAN”, Journal of Networks, Vol-7, Issus-3, 2012, pp. 480-493.

  14. S Bhunia, I S Misra, S K Sanyal, A Kundu, “Performance Study of Mobile WiMAX Network with Changing Scenarios Under different Modulation and Coding”, International Journal of Communication Systems, John Wiley & Sons, Vol-24, Issue 8, pp. 1087-1104, Aug ‘11. DOI:10.1002/dac.1217

  15. A Kundu, I S Misra, S K Sanyal, Suman Bhunia, “VoIP Performance Over Broadband Wireless Networks Under Static and Mobile Environments”, International Journal of Wireless & Mobile Networks (IJWMN), pp.82-93, Vol.2, No.4, November 2010.

Conference proceedings

  1. G. Goodman, S. Bhunia, and P. Jamieson, “Benchmarking of LLM Based Generative AI for CSE Undergraduate Curriculum,” in 2025 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2025.

  2. P. Jamieson, G. Ricco, B. Swanson, B. V. Scoy, and S. Bhunia, “LLM Prompting Methodology and Taxonomy to Benchmark our Engineering Curriculums,” in 2025 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 2025.

  3. D. M. Middendorf, S. Bhunia, and A. Carvalho, “Lessons from the Field: Practical Frameworks for CTF Competition Success,” in 2025 IEEE International systems Conference (IEEE SysCon 2025), Montreal, Canada, Apr. 2025, p. 8.

  4. P. A. Jamieson, O. Amaning-Yeboah, J. Butler, D. Misirlioglu, R. Taylor, and S. Bhunia, “A Red/Blue Video Game for Hide&Seek Analysis for Hardware Trojans and the Seeker’s Dilemma,” in 2025 IEEE International systems Conference (IEEE SysCon 2025), Montreal, Canada, Apr. 2025, p. 7.

  5. P Shrestha, S Bhunia, A Carvalho, C Anderson, G. Lee, “A Case Study on Blockchain-based Anonymous Reviewer Incentive Token (BARIT)”, in IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (IEEE SMC) 2024.

  6. AG Famera, RM Shukla, and S Bhunia, “Cross-Device Federated Intrusion Detector for Early Stage Botnet Propagation in IoT,” in 2024 IEEE International Systems Conference (IEEE SysCon 2024), Montreal, Canada, Apr. 2024.

  7. S. Bhunia, Y. Qian, and M. R. Khan, “Electronically Steerable Mobile Optical-Wireless Mesh-Network,” in 2024 IEEE International Systems Conference (IEEE SysCon 2024), Montreal, Canada, Apr. 2024.

  8. S. Bhunia, O. Campbell, A. Carvalho, and V. Alluri, “SCeFSTA: Smart Contract enabled Fair, Secure, and Transparent Auction for Healthcare Transportation,” in 2024 IEEE International Systems Conference (IEEE SysCon 2024), Montreal, Canada, Apr. 2024.

  9. A. Carvalho, L. Zavolokina, S. Bhunia, M. Chaudhary, and N. Yoganathan, “Promoting Inclusiveness and Fairness through NFTs: The Case of Student-Athletes and NILs,” in Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Hamburg, Germany, 2023, pp. 1–9.

  10. N. Perry and S. Bhunia, “Crossfire Attack Detection in 6G Networks with the Internet of Things (IoT),” in IFIP International Internet Of Things (IFIP-IoT), Dallas, USA, Nov. 2023.

  11. P. Jamieson, S. Bhunia, and D. M. Rao, “With ChatGPT, do we have to rewrite our learning objectives-CASE study in Cybersecurity,” in IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), College Station, TX, Oct. 2023.

  12. N. Hoang, P. Devabhakthini, R. M. Shukla, and S. Bhunia, “Network Coverage Improvement during Natural Disaster using Self-Organizing Maps,” in 2023 3rd International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME). Tenerife, Spain: IEEE, 2023, pp. 1–6.

  13. S. Bhunia, R. Stoleru, A. Haroon, M. Sagor, A. Altaweel, M. Chao, M. Maurice, and R. Blalock, “EdgeKeeper: Resilient and lightweight coordination for mobile edge clouds,” in IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-Hoc and Smart Systems (MASS), 2022.

  14. M. Sagor, R. Stoleru, A. Haroon, S. Bhunia, M. Chao, A. Altaweel, M. Maurice, and R. Blalock, “R-Drive: Resilient data storage and sharing for mobile edge clouds,” in IEEE International Conference on Mobile AdHoc and Smart Systems (MASS), 2022. Awarded as the Best Paper.

  15. E Caroscio, J Paul, J Murray, and S Bhunia, “Analyzing the Ransomware Attack on D.C. Metropolitan Police Department by Babuk”, 2022 IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon).

  16. J Vazquez-Estrada, S Bhunia, M Khan, Y Qian, and N Tran Huu, “Neighbor Discovery in a LoRa Assisted Multi-Transceiver Free-Space-Optical Network”, proc. of IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 2022.

  17. P A Regis, S Bhunia, A N Patra, and S Sengupta, “Deep-learning assisted Cross-Layer Routing in Multi-hop Wireless Network”, proc. of WF-IoT 2021, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

  18. A Murthy, C Green, R Stoleru, S Bhunia, C Swanson, Theodora Chaspari, “Machine Learning-based Irrigation Control Optimization”, proc. of ACM BuildSys 2019, New York, NY, USA.

  19. S Bhunia, and S Sengupta, “Implementation of Interface Agility for Duplex Dynamic Spectrum Access Radio Using USRP”, proc. of IEEE MILCOM 2017, Baltimore, Maryland.

  20. S Bhunia and S Sengupta, “Distributed Adaptive Beam Nulling to Mitigate Jamming in 3D UAV Mesh Networks”, International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC) 2017, Silicon Valley, USA.

  21. P A Regis, S Bhunia and S Sengupta, “Enhancing Performance and Longevity of Multi-radio Multi-channel HetNets through Dynamic Path-assignment”, International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC) 2017, Silicon Valley, USA.

  22. S Bhunia, M Khan, S Sengupta and M Yuksel, “LOS Discovery for Highly Directional Full Duplex RF/FSO Transceivers”, IEEE MILCOM 2016, Baltimore, Maryland.

  23. M Khan, S Bhunia, M Yuksel and S Sengupta, “LOS Discovery in 3D for Highly Directional Transceivers”, IEEE MILCOM 2016, Baltimore, Maryland.

  24. S Bhunia, V Behzadan and S Sengupta, “Enhancement of Spectrum Utilization in Non-Contiguous DSA with Online Defragmentation”, proc. of IEEE MILCOM 2015, Tampa, Florida.

  25. S Bhunia, V Behzadan, P A Regis and S Sengupta, “Performance of Adaptive Beam Nulling in Multihop Ad-Hoc networks under Jamming”, IEEE International Symposium on Cyberspace Safety and Security (CSS 2015), New York.

  26. S Bhunia, S Sengupta and F Vazquez-Abad, “CR-Honeynet: A learning & decoy based Sustenance Mechanism Against Jamming Attack in CRN”, proc. of IEEE MILCOM 2014, Baltimore, doi:10.1109/MILCOM.2014.197.

  27. S Bhunia, X Su, S Sengupta and F Vazquez-Abad, “Stochastic model for Cognitive Radio Networks under jamming attacks and honeypot-based prevention”, 15th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking (ICDCN), 2014.

  28. S Das, S Barman, and S Bhunia, “Performance Analysis of IEEE 802.11 Rate Adaptation Algorithms Categorized Under Rate Controlling Parameters”, proc. of the International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies (ICTCS) 2014, DOI:10.1145/2677855.2677863

  29. E Troja, K Ezirim, S Bhunia, “Route Aware Dynamic Channel Scheduling and Selection for Multi-Hop Cognitive Radio Networks”, proc. of IEEE 78th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Fall), 2013.

  30. T Chakraborty, A Mukhopadhyay, S Bhunia, I S Misra, S K Sanyal, “Analysis and Enhancement of QoS in Cognitive Radio Network for Efficient VoIP Performance”, proc. of World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies, Mumbai, India, December 11-14, 2011.

  31. A Mukhopadhyay, T Chakraborty, S Bhunia, I S Misra, S K Sanyal, “Study of Enhanced VoIP Performance under Congested Wireless Network Scenarios”, proc. of Fifth Workshop on Intelligent Networks: Adaptation, Communication & Reconfiguration (IAMCOM 2011), 5 January 2011, Bangalore, India.

  32. A Mukhopadhyay, T Chakraborty, S Bhunia, I S Misra, S K Sanyal, “An Adaptive Jitter Buffer Playout Algorithm for Enhanced VoIP Performance”, in proc. of The First International Conference on Advances in Computing and Information Technology (ACITY 2011), 15-17 July 2011, Chennai, India.

  33. T Chakraborty, A Mukhopadhyay, S Bhunia, I S Misra, S K Sanyal, “Otimizing VoIP Call in Diverse Network Scenarios using State-Space Search Technique”, Proc. of The First International Conference on Advances in Computing and Information Technology (ACITY 2011), 15-17 July 2011, Chennai, India.

  34. A Kundu, S Bhunia, I S Misra, S K Sanyal, “Comparison of VoIP Performance over WiMAX, WLAN and WiMAX-WLAN Integrated Network using OPNET”, Recent trends in Networks and Communications, Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2010, Vol 90, part 2, pp 316-325, Second International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Networks, August 2010, Chennai, India.

  35. S Bhunia, A Kundu, I S Misra, S K Sanyal, “Reducing Hand-Off Latency in WiMAX Network Using Cross Layer Information”, proc. of International Conference on Advances in Computer Engineering (ACE)-2010, pp.346-348,20-21 June 2010, Bangalore, India.

  36. A Kundu, S Bhunia, “Study of OPNET and performance evaluation of WiMAX network under various terrain conditions in OPNET”, proc. of National Conference on Microwave and Communication NCMicroCom-2010, February 2010.

Poster and Short Papers

  1. A Carvalho, S Bhunia, “Verifying AI Content Authenticity Using Decentralized Technologies”, in Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) 2024.

  2. J Vazquez-Estrada, S Bhunia, M Khan, Y Qian, and N Tran Huu, “Neighbor Discovery in a Multi-Transceiver Free-Space-Optical Ad Hoc Network”, proc. of IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), 2022.

  3. S. Bhunia, R. Stoleru, A. Haroon, M. Sagor, A. Altaweel, M. Chao, M. Maurice, R. Blalock, “Poster: EdgeKeeper – Resilient and Lightweight Coordination for Mobile Edge Computing Systems”, proc. of The 20th ACM International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (ACM MobiSys 2022).

Workshop Proceedings

  1. S. Karki, E. Han, N. Mahmud, S. Bhunia, J. Femiani, and V. Raychoudhury, “OmniAcc: Personalized Accessibility Assistant Using Generative AI,” in Workshop on AI for Urban Planning, AAAI 2025’s Workshop, 2025.

  2. M. Chaudhary and S. Bhunia, “Understanding Blockchain Trilemma, Causes and Solutions,” in International Workshop on Smart Data Advancements, Copenhagen, Denmark. IEEE, 2024.

  3. J. Cao, A. Null, M. Stewart, S. Bhunia, and M. Salman, “Combatting the TrickBot Threat: Analysis, Impact, and Defensive Strategies in Cybersecurity,” in International Workshop on Emerging Technology in IoT, Copenhagen, Denmark. IEEE, 2024.

  4. H He, J Self, K French, S Bhunia, M Salman and P Regis, “Zerologon Explored: In-Depth Analysis and Mitigation Strategies for Microsoft’s Critical Vulnerability” in ET-EDGE 2024, Philadelphia, USA

  5. C Stejskal, A Perminov, A Lester, S Bhunia, M Salman and P Regis, “Analyzing the Impact and Implications of COMB: A Comprehensive Study of 3 Billion Breached Credentials” in ET-EDGE 2024, Philadelphia, USA.

  6. J Sorn, P Carroll, Z Pang, S Bhunia, M Salman and P Regis, “Exploring the CAM4 Data Breach: Security Vulnerabilities and Response Strategies” in ET-EDGE 2024, Philadelphia, USA.

  7. J. Beerman, D. Berent, Z. Falter, and S. Bhunia, “A Review of Colonial Pipeline Ran- somware Attack,” in 2023 IEEE/ACM 23rd International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing Workshops (CCGridW).

  8. L Sterle and S Bhunia, “On SolarWinds Orion Platform Security Breach”, proc. of SWC 2021, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

  9. P A Regis, S Bhunia and S Sengupta, “Implementation of 3D Obstacle Compliant Mobility Models for UAV networks in ns-3”, proc. of The Workshop on ns-3 (WNS3), 2016, Seattle, Washington.

Invited Articles

  1. S. Bhunia and S. Sengupta, “Feasibility of Channel Hopping in Jamming Attack”, IEEE TCSIM Newsletter, Quarterly Newsletter, issue 19, pp. 2-5, 2013.

Patent Invention Disclosure

  • M Khan, S Bhunia, M Yuksel and S Sengupta, “Directional Link Discovery and Maintenance Between Mobiles”, USPTO patent application PCT/US17/32731, May 15, 2017.


  • “Survivability Against Intelligent Adversary in Next-Generation Wireless Networks”, PhD Dissertation at University of Nevada, Reno.
  • “Performance Evaluation of WiMax Network in Aspect of Modulation and Coding Schemes and Hand-off using Opnet”, Master’s Thesis at Jadavpur University.